Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Multiple Personalities

"Multiple Personalities Self-Portrait", original photography with photoshop effects

Hey bloggers, fans, critics, and everyone!

I know it has been a while since I have posted some new artwork. However, that's also good news because I have been busy creating some new pieces! Here is one of my newest ones called, "Multiple Personalities Self-Portrait", which features 10 versions of me!

With this piece I wanted to convey the different facets of me through the replication of my body. I dressed differently for each facet of my personality that I wanted to convey. For example, I am sure you can pick out some obvious personality types, such as: "athletic" and "nerdy". There are also some more complex dimensions of my personality revealed in this photograph.

This piece came from an assignment that we had in photography class to demonstrate our skills in photoshop. How do you think I did?

I am so happy to be posting on the blog, again, and so glad you are taking the time our of your day to read this!


Ella Bella

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

New Art!

Hello everyone!

I know it has been quite sometime since I have last posted some art work. The good news is: I have been busy creating artwork! I am so excited to share my new photography and Graphic Design with you. As we all do at some point or another, I have been occupied with a lot scheduling, work, and tasks. 

I also wanted to update you on my etsy shop. Yes, I had previously planned to sell my paintings on my etsy shop. However, I am now realizing that this is the time for me to focus more creating artwork, then selling it. Although I am very upset that I am not in the position to sell my art work right now, I do know that the time will eventually come when I will be able to do so. I will keep you updated on my etsy shop progress when that day comes!

So this blog post is all about just keeping you updated, and letting you know that I will be posting some artwork this week, and thank you for being faithful viewers and fans!

