Friday, January 20, 2012

A Pose

"A Pose" 2D drawing; pencil, paper
This was a late night sketch done in high school. I haven't posted any recent drawings because they're currently in my Drawing portfolio. More to come....


"Black Hat Flies", original photograph
I took this photograph when I did a photo shoot for Katie's 21st birthday. She was such a fun model to work with and we took a lot of great shots that day. I have yet to touch up all the photographs from the shoot ('s on my list of things to do...and the list is growing...). Promising late art seems to be a reoccurring thing for me...sorry everyone-punctuality with all these things don't seem to be my forte. Nonetheless, these photographs are on their way, and Katie, you're one big batch of awesome sauce.

Pentax K1000 Love

"That Lip Ring I Hate", SLR 35 mm print
Yes, I do own a K1000 Pentax (ahh, so wonderful). No, I do not have film for's like buying vinyl have to look harder to find them. I did take this in Senior Photography class in 2010. My friend Edwin (best of luck to you in Airforce!) got a lip piercing, which I hated at the time, but I now realize made a really great picture. I featured this photograph in my the Tate Art Show last semester. However, I framed it in layers-I will post the framed version when I find it. Long live Film's a dying art- an art worth preserving. Black and white pictures can be so powerful because they lack color-such a simple, but beautiful effect.

Tribute to Dalí

"Tribute to Dalí" 2D Drawing; ink, sharpie, glass paint.
Oh, I don't really even think that I can express how much I love Dalí's work...his artwork has made such an impression on me. His work is so liberating to me, not to mention-extremely detailed and expressive.  You can just call me a Dalíhead-the way to my heart may be completely random and irrational, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Just like I wouldn't have surrealism any other way. There's something so grand and significant about expressing the ideas and thoughts within your mind-it's so moving to me. So I did this for my mother (ironic, if you are familiar with his mère), and it is now on the wall in my mother's classroom. I love Dalí's idea of surrealistic elephants (and they just happen to be my favorite animal XD), so I used his idea (giving him credit, of course -see title), and put my own flare on it. I don't know what's up with the line of italics in that sentence, but it really bothers me and can't seem to be sigh.

Twittery tweets on that twitter machine

"First Semester Self-Portraits (Using tweets from August-December 2011)", Papier collé
I created this using the same medium (acrylics) across 2 different types of paper (computer paper & heavy-weighted paper...will get back to you on the weight). It's really a minimalistic papier collé because I used one type of medium across only 2 paper types (as opposed to several different types). This was a project for my Freshman Seminar class (Only 1 lame is that?) that was due at the end of the year. I decided to print off all the tweets that I tweeted on twitter (tongue twisted, yet? :P) from the first day of school up until the night before this project was due. I thought that the tweets themselves would speak about my first semester of college, more than I could ever say or give a presentation on (if you're one of my close friends, then you may want to look at the close-up shots...your twitter name is probably on there because you are awesome). I did replica of this original because I gave it to my teacher/Connection leader. I used simple colors because I felt like striving for the simple-because the one's who make it complicated never get congratulated (yes, #KiDCuDi). {:

Custom Stencil.

Custom Feather Stencil.
I designed this abstract feather for my 2D Wall-hanging, "The Dissolving of Native American Culture". I spent longer creating, drawing, and cutting out this stencil than I did on the actual piece I used it for...custom stencils are definitely awesome, and you may be seeing more of them in the future. They are so fun to design!

A dissolving feather

"The Dissolving of Native American Culture",2D Wall-hanging; acrylics, cloth,custom stencil
I designed this piece for the "texture" unit for my Design class. For the assignment, we had to paint on an atypical ground, so I chose to go use a skirt with a Native American-esque print. I wanted to convey how Native Americans were established in the Americas before the Europeans even arrived. To me, it is a disheartening story of a beautiful culture being isolated and degraded. I really wish I would've learned more about Native American history while I was growing up-I feel like it's really depressing that I know so little about such a beautiful culture. At any rate, I used a custom abstract feather stencil that I designed and made with my trusty X-acto knife (Thank you Mom, Dad, & Mr. Henderson for the supplies!). You may want to keep an eye on the look out for the "dissolving" feather...most people do not see it...