Thursday, February 2, 2012

Love you, Mom

"Young Adulthood", original photograph with digital effects
Just having fun with this photograph, instead of doing other things that are productive...
I decided to title this one, "Young Adulthood" because it was inspired by a graphic in the Wall Street Journal. It was a comical picture of a teenager's brain, that I found very funny and accurate in a strange way. The article was about all of the things that occupy a teenager's mind, and the picture showed words, such as: "Angst", "Vroooom", and "Heartbreak". I decided to piece together my face in different values and colours (with different proportions) to show how this is such a transitional time in my life. It is a transitional time in many teenager's lives (and all young adults, too)-I wanted to portray the different sides of me that may develop or happen to be an influential part of who I am now. As for the background....that's ,"City-Scape Puddle Reflection" (thank you, Mom for helping me title it!).

City-Scape Puddle Reflection

"City-Scape Puddle Reflection",acrylics on canvas
So...using the palette knife was awesome! This painting was the first time I used my palette knives, and it was so much fun. This painting took me three stages to complete. The goal for this painting was 1. to explore the texture effects that acrylics can create, and 2. to have fun. I had considered using Gesso to amplify the textural effects, but, instead, I decided to apply the paint in layers. My art teacher pointed out that I like working in layers. This isn't really something that I noticed until I stepped back and look at many of my works in a row. Intriguing? Seems so. Hope you guys enjoy this piece (I know I enjoyed making it...and having a mini photo shoot with it :P). Peace.