Thursday, January 19, 2012

It's all a matter of perspective...

"Enslaved Housewife" 3D Assemblage with spray paint.
I did this piece for the "shapes" unit in design class. I also wanted to do a feminist art piece because I often feel like women are "required" by society to take on certain tasks, such as: cooking, cleaning, walking the dog (as seen in the sculpture). I feel like it is taking society a while to adjust to women being in the workforce and to accept women who take on other roles that being housewives. Although, I do respect housewives greatly, and I know that housewife work is hard to endure. I am in no way degrading housewives who enjoy their job, but I do also understand that there are women who are housewives, or expected to be and feel trapped and identity-less as a result-the latter is from the perspective that I created this sculpture.


"Inside-Out", 3D sculpture, shoe materials, wood, wire, nail, acrylics.
I did this 3D sculpture for my Design I class for our "special" project for the texture unit. The assignment was to take an object and construct it from the inside-out. This took me 3 nights to complete, and if you're wondering where the shoe came from...Good Will #vintageshoppingforthewin (Yea, I just hashtagged; like that twitter machine @tallgreenginger).  Once you get past spending full price in shopping departments that only cost about 10 cents to manufacture-you will realize that thrift/vintage shopping is the only way to go. When you can buy a whole outfit that consists of J. Crew, R. Lauren, and Polo for $20.00, you will never go back (I never will). Bargain Battalion for life. And if you're wondering what I got on this sculpture...I have no idea (hopefully not another C+).

Just a doodle

"Just a Doodle", digital doodle on Paint. 
The title describes just exactly what it is...doodling is always fun. {:

My wuvry Hunwr

"Hunter" Mixed Media; denim & cotton on canvas board.
This is my beautiful roommate, Hunter. She makes me laugh and is much more gorgeous than this piece can convey...So it's most definitely ironic that I'm posting this because it's unfinished. Not only is it unfinished, it's a late Christmas present for my roommate (Hunter, I'm sorry I'm not punctual). I'll finish this soon!


"Four Faces" Original photograph
This photograph was taken at the monthly "Cruisin' down Mainstreet", where vintage cars are on show. It's an awesome thing Downtown has going on during the hot summers.

Vs. average

"A Dream I Dreamt", Painting; acrylics on canvas. 
Just because I love surrealism and a good dose of color. Turned this is for my Design I class first semester, and received, yet, another C+. And the battle against the "average" continues...

Decent Madness

"Decent Madness" Drawing, ink, sharpie, water colors on canvas. 
I did this piece my Senior year in High School in my free time. It took about 3 months on-and-off to complete, and I am thinking about filling in the edges of the canvas, too (thoughts on that?). This piece is one canvas of therapy-it's very representative of the trouble I was going through during the time I made this. I believe in the power of art and it's healing. Working on this piece helped me deal with a lot of tough decisions and get by on daily basis. Thank you, Art for always being there for me. Much love.

Tasha's photgraph

"Gypsy Spirit", original photograph by Tasha Stratton, digital effects applied by yours truly.
No, I did not take this picture (but I am the model, which is why I included it :P)-full credit to my best friend Tasha Stratton. Tasha is a beautiful soul, who sees the world with a unique perspective-she is so inspirational to me.


"Fina", original photograph.
Taken before a soccer match- Sarafina is total boss.

If I was a carpenter...

"If I was a food..." Drawing, pen, pastel, colored pencil, marker.
Yes, I would be a pepper. I think I may start a series of "If I was a food..." and include portraits of people in my life...just ask if you want your own custom "If I was a food..." portrait (not saying I think you'll be begging to have one, but it may be fun).