Sunday, January 29, 2012

Dancing through time

 Dance Studio Series, original photographs.
These are just a few moments that I captured with my D3100 while I was in the studio with some dancers from LC. I really enjoyed working with all the dancers-they were all very photogenic and talented. Top to Bottom: "Secrets", "Paris", "Criss-Cross", "Vinny". Shout out to Jen, Paris, and Vinny for letting me photograph their dance session. Keep on dancing-it's captivating.

(I miss You)

"Distraction", original photo with digital effects.
 Yea, plaid rocks. Hunter-you know it's not real flannel...but maybe one day I will own real flannel. {: This is a photograph that I took in the middle of a homework marathon. One of the best things that experience and my family has taught me is that it's okay to take breaks. I used to work for hours and hours on end without a break, and didn't realize how I was running my self down. I do still work very hard, and still let my work ethic overcome my relaxation time, but it's something I'm working on...the beautiful thing about life i that you always have a chance to do better. This is just a record of me trying to do better...and allowing myself to be distracted, if not, procrastinate in the healthiest way possible. Love you, Family, and you, too Poppy in heaven (I miss you).

Doin' Me...?

"Self-Titled", original photograph with digital effects
This is a photograph if my friend, Cookie's (aka: Cookie MonMon) shirt (absolutely love the shirt slogan...). I applied digital graffiti over the photograph I took. Many people laugh when they see this piece because the whole, "doing me"-along the lines is a common slogan in pop culture to celebrate being single. However, I have heard so many people say, "I'm doin' me", but they're always talking about dating someone new or hung up on someone. I have met only a few people my age that are truly content being single. So this is just a parody on those who would love to just do themselves, but subconsciously end up doing just that last. :P Oh, by the way, this is his first rap track, check it out,