Tuesday, October 2, 2012

New Art!

Hello everyone!

I know it has been quite sometime since I have last posted some art work. The good news is: I have been busy creating artwork! I am so excited to share my new photography and Graphic Design with you. As we all do at some point or another, I have been occupied with a lot scheduling, work, and tasks. 

I also wanted to update you on my etsy shop. Yes, I had previously planned to sell my paintings on my etsy shop. However, I am now realizing that this is the time for me to focus more creating artwork, then selling it. Although I am very upset that I am not in the position to sell my art work right now, I do know that the time will eventually come when I will be able to do so. I will keep you updated on my etsy shop progress when that day comes!

So this blog post is all about just keeping you updated, and letting you know that I will be posting some artwork this week, and thank you for being faithful viewers and fans!

