Wednesday, June 27, 2012

"Compassion Lost (with beginnings of Cubism)"

 "Compassion Lost (with beginnings of Cubism)", acrylics, water color, pen
(11 x 14)

This piece was created in order to express my feelings towards past relationships. 
 I made a man and a woman the subject of this painting. The man (right) is pictured
 offering a rose and crying to the woman (left). However, the woman is crossing her arms
with an angry expression on her face. I placed the image of the Golden Mean Rectangle
on top to show how this relationship cycles around and around.

This is my reason for creating this specific art piece; however, it is open to interpretation,
and, as always, you are free to take any meaning you want from it!

This piece will be on with a price in a few weeks.
Let me know if you are interested in this painting.

 *All pieces come with a clear finishing coat over the original painting for protection. They also come with the title, and artist's signature on the back.

"Spring Time Pond"

"Spring Time Pond", Acrylics
(16 x 20)

I created this piece with a custom-designed stencil of an abstracted bumblebee. 
This piece was originally created to be a figure-ground study (where the subjects and
the background both neither advance nor recede and act as decorative space). However, as this piece evolved it turned more into an abstracted view of a pond.

The price will be posted on in a few weeks.
Let me know if you have any interest in this piece!

*All pieces come with a clear finishing coat over the original painting for protection. They also come with the title, and artist's signature on the back.

Hello Everyone!

I wanted to let all of my blog followers and fellow bloggers
that I will be selling some of my art work on soon!

Etsy is easy to navigate, and you can search for me on the site
by my e-mail,!

I really do love all of my blog follwers and supporters, so because
of your positive feedback, and interaction on my blog, I will
be posting all of the art work that I will be selling on here, first.

(so you can get a first look, and me at my above 
e-mail if you are interested in any of them!)


Ella Bella