Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Positive Outcome

"Compassion Lost (with hints of Cubism)", painting; pencil, pen, acrylics, water color.
This was the first piece that actually made it on my Art professor's "wall". Just know the "wall" is a good thing...and the finished product taught me that there is hope even after you pull an almost-all nighter ( just go ahead and pull the all-nighter, getting 2 hours of sleep is worse because it's such a teaser-just for future reference).

Cell phone "pic" !

"Title named as words in the picture", original photograph. And, yes, I took this picture with my beloved Envy3-the only phone I've ever had that takes decent thing to thank verizon for...
Isn't this statement beautiful? It's beautiful because it is quirky. But obviously-not so quirky because it became problem enough to post a warning on the wall in the Womens' public bathroom. This was just a mini highlight of the U2 concert I went to 2 years ago when they first start their 360 tour (it just ended...can you imagine touring for years? All those nights with people screaming your name? Awesomesauce.) Rock on Bono & U2-keep doing your thing.

Hopefully you see past the ceiling

"Never Hide", Mixed Media: acrylics, marker, puffy paint. 
Notice the clever title? I knew you were smart. ;) Yes, I painted/drew this onto a ceiling tile. Our Literary Magazine staff partook in the very awesome tradition of decorating ceiling tiles to brighten up the room (because you know, white-painted cinder blocks weren't quite warm enough). This tile was inspired by the Ray Bans "Never Hide" Campaign. Ray Bans is one company that I absolutely love because of their creative and unique advertisements (and, yes, I would own a pair if I wasn't a completely broke artist). This is the version of the tile before it completely dried (I will post the completely dry version when I find it...puffy paint looks different when dry-if you don't believe that, ask a cheerleader).

Thank you, over-priced jewelry!

"Giraffe Love inspired by Gordon's Jewelers", Ink Drawing
I know you're probably looking at the title, and, that blows my mind. (Sarcasm? Yes). I am no Gordon's Jewelers fanatic, but I do believe that if your idea is not original (which this one is not...I felt so inspired at 2AM the morning my art project was due to end my procrastination and use this jewelry idea!) that you should give the original company/artist credit for their work. I would like to make it clear that this idea was not mine, and I thank Gordon's Jewelers for this idea and I give them total credit for the C+ I got for this specific art project. And to the the designer/ artist who came up with this Giraffe design-Dear designer/artist whose name I do not know, I credit this C+ work to you! Note to any artists: procrastination will be the best love affair you ever have.

PS-I would buy this actual necklace if it wasn't so costly.

A little dose of haterade

"Greater Than", Ink drawing
I originally designed this idea for a cartoon segment in my High School's Literary Magazine Euantes (Nationally award-winning, and recognized, by the way...but not the first thing you hear about in high school since it's not a yearbook   <check category M4). After I graduated, I decided to enter a Delia's t-shirt contest and I entered this design. It didn't win-probably didn't even make it through the first cut. And yes, I'm sipping on haterade, Delia's. What a bunch of lamesauce.

                                Unfinished drawing, pencil, ink, sharpie, "Incomplete the World Inside"
I started this drawing my Senior year in high school (George Washington, for all those wondering), and haven't unearthed it in over a year. I'm not really sure why I haven't completed it, yet...will get around to it (fashionably late, of course...)

Yes, I'm no stranger (this is me)

Just thought that if people take the time to get to know my blog-they might as well know my face, too. Be on the look-you may see this face in random places...who knows?

Just a Paragraph

I am Ella and art is my passion.I am not perfect, forever young, and 
always creating. I believe that everyone has their reason for being
in this universe, and that their purpose is meaningful and special.

I am excited that you are taking the time to check out my art, and, even
taking the time to read this blah introduction. Thanks for checking out
the art-I hope you feel the love.

Please be curious. I would love to hear your comments, questions, and critiques.

You can find me on twitter @60srangevintage
and e-mail me at


Ella Bella
Studio Art Major
Graphic Design Minor

*All of my art work is originally-created. I give credit to my inspiration
for each piece, and credit to other artist's work featured within my own.