Sunday, January 29, 2012

Doin' Me...?

"Self-Titled", original photograph with digital effects
This is a photograph if my friend, Cookie's (aka: Cookie MonMon) shirt (absolutely love the shirt slogan...). I applied digital graffiti over the photograph I took. Many people laugh when they see this piece because the whole, "doing me"-along the lines is a common slogan in pop culture to celebrate being single. However, I have heard so many people say, "I'm doin' me", but they're always talking about dating someone new or hung up on someone. I have met only a few people my age that are truly content being single. So this is just a parody on those who would love to just do themselves, but subconsciously end up doing just that last. :P Oh, by the way, this is his first rap track, check it out,

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