Thursday, March 8, 2012


"19.", photograph taken by Charles Schwarz, digital effects done by yours truly.
This is a photograph that my brother took on my 19th birthday of my boyfriend (Rj) and me. To me, this photograph captures the essence of the night, and the excitement. I decided that turning the photograph achromatic would specifically pinpoint the candidness and the emotion of the moment. I hope everyone finds consolation and love to the extent that I have found in Rj. <3 And since I am feeling sentimental-I would like to take this time to thank all of the people who have come and gone in my life-I will remember you all. I cherish the ups and downs and all of the memories I have formed with each person in my life...and I the lessons I have learned will be in my mind forever. Thank you all for passing through my life...and a special thanks to the ones who have stayed. {:

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