Sunday, March 4, 2012

For you, Olivia {:

"The Lesser Hand" (top), "Releasing" (bottom), acrylics on canvas board.
I posted these two pieces for you, Olivia! My dear friend, Olivia (with such a classy fashion sense and a natural knack for photography), is working on an abstract expressionist piece, so I am posting these two pieces in honor of you! Whether these help with your assignment, or just help you procrastinate...hopefully you find them of some use. {:  I created these two pieces a while ago in my free time. These two pieces are evidence that art is my way of expressing emotions, concepts, words, and many more things. I created the bottom one in a fit of anger, and, I can honestly say that I felt relieved after I created it. Sometimes, all you need to do is throw a canvas board on the ground, fling some paint, and scratch the board a little bit, and....voila! Okay, so it's not always that easy, obviously, but I can say that Art is there for you whenever you need it. (By the way, check out Olivia's art blog at #supportyoungartists

1 comment:

  1. The second one is my favorite. Is it strange that I see a person in it?
