Saturday, January 21, 2012

Fairly OddParents?

"The truth stings like Mohammad Ali" -Lupe Fiasco, original photograph with digital effects
I took this picture (with, yes, my phone) during my first semester. I was spray-painting a 3D wall-hanging of abstract bumblebees (will be posted later...). My awesome roommate Hunter and my friend, Greg held flashlights in the dark while I spray-painted...note to future art students-gain some really awesome, patient friends-it will make your life so much easier. I felt like Lupe Fiasco's quote fits this photograph because it is so easy for us, as people, to make snap judgements about others. It's much harder for us to be understanding, and realized that everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle (quote found on tumblr -total credit to the person who originally posted it on It's something that I definitely need to work on... And it's also really hard to type right now because my best college friends have "The Fairly Odd Parents'' on in the background, so hopefully, I didn't make any typos here...

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