Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hopefully you see past the ceiling

"Never Hide", Mixed Media: acrylics, marker, puffy paint. 
Notice the clever title? I knew you were smart. ;) Yes, I painted/drew this onto a ceiling tile. Our Literary Magazine staff partook in the very awesome tradition of decorating ceiling tiles to brighten up the room (because you know, white-painted cinder blocks weren't quite warm enough). This tile was inspired by the Ray Bans "Never Hide" Campaign. Ray Bans is one company that I absolutely love because of their creative and unique advertisements (and, yes, I would own a pair if I wasn't a completely broke artist). This is the version of the tile before it completely dried (I will post the completely dry version when I find it...puffy paint looks different when dry-if you don't believe that, ask a cheerleader).

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