Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Thank you, over-priced jewelry!

"Giraffe Love inspired by Gordon's Jewelers", Ink Drawing
I know you're probably looking at the title, and, that blows my mind. (Sarcasm? Yes). I am no Gordon's Jewelers fanatic, but I do believe that if your idea is not original (which this one is not...I felt so inspired at 2AM the morning my art project was due to end my procrastination and use this jewelry idea!) that you should give the original company/artist credit for their work. I would like to make it clear that this idea was not mine, and I thank Gordon's Jewelers for this idea and I give them total credit for the C+ I got for this specific art project. And to the the designer/ artist who came up with this Giraffe design-Dear designer/artist whose name I do not know, I credit this C+ work to you! Note to any artists: procrastination will be the best love affair you ever have.

PS-I would buy this actual necklace if it wasn't so costly.

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