Friday, January 20, 2012

Tribute to Dalí

"Tribute to Dalí" 2D Drawing; ink, sharpie, glass paint.
Oh, I don't really even think that I can express how much I love Dalí's work...his artwork has made such an impression on me. His work is so liberating to me, not to mention-extremely detailed and expressive.  You can just call me a Dalíhead-the way to my heart may be completely random and irrational, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Just like I wouldn't have surrealism any other way. There's something so grand and significant about expressing the ideas and thoughts within your mind-it's so moving to me. So I did this for my mother (ironic, if you are familiar with his mère), and it is now on the wall in my mother's classroom. I love Dalí's idea of surrealistic elephants (and they just happen to be my favorite animal XD), so I used his idea (giving him credit, of course -see title), and put my own flare on it. I don't know what's up with the line of italics in that sentence, but it really bothers me and can't seem to be sigh.

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