Friday, January 20, 2012

Twittery tweets on that twitter machine

"First Semester Self-Portraits (Using tweets from August-December 2011)", Papier collé
I created this using the same medium (acrylics) across 2 different types of paper (computer paper & heavy-weighted paper...will get back to you on the weight). It's really a minimalistic papier collé because I used one type of medium across only 2 paper types (as opposed to several different types). This was a project for my Freshman Seminar class (Only 1 lame is that?) that was due at the end of the year. I decided to print off all the tweets that I tweeted on twitter (tongue twisted, yet? :P) from the first day of school up until the night before this project was due. I thought that the tweets themselves would speak about my first semester of college, more than I could ever say or give a presentation on (if you're one of my close friends, then you may want to look at the close-up shots...your twitter name is probably on there because you are awesome). I did replica of this original because I gave it to my teacher/Connection leader. I used simple colors because I felt like striving for the simple-because the one's who make it complicated never get congratulated (yes, #KiDCuDi). {:

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