Thursday, January 19, 2012


"Inside-Out", 3D sculpture, shoe materials, wood, wire, nail, acrylics.
I did this 3D sculpture for my Design I class for our "special" project for the texture unit. The assignment was to take an object and construct it from the inside-out. This took me 3 nights to complete, and if you're wondering where the shoe came from...Good Will #vintageshoppingforthewin (Yea, I just hashtagged; like that twitter machine @tallgreenginger).  Once you get past spending full price in shopping departments that only cost about 10 cents to manufacture-you will realize that thrift/vintage shopping is the only way to go. When you can buy a whole outfit that consists of J. Crew, R. Lauren, and Polo for $20.00, you will never go back (I never will). Bargain Battalion for life. And if you're wondering what I got on this sculpture...I have no idea (hopefully not another C+).

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