Thursday, January 19, 2012

It's all a matter of perspective...

"Enslaved Housewife" 3D Assemblage with spray paint.
I did this piece for the "shapes" unit in design class. I also wanted to do a feminist art piece because I often feel like women are "required" by society to take on certain tasks, such as: cooking, cleaning, walking the dog (as seen in the sculpture). I feel like it is taking society a while to adjust to women being in the workforce and to accept women who take on other roles that being housewives. Although, I do respect housewives greatly, and I know that housewife work is hard to endure. I am in no way degrading housewives who enjoy their job, but I do also understand that there are women who are housewives, or expected to be and feel trapped and identity-less as a result-the latter is from the perspective that I created this sculpture.

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