Wednesday, February 15, 2012

20+ hours later...

 "Mirrored Memories", original photo collage-photos taken by yours truly.
My mom and I collaborated on this item that we made for the annual auction that Sacred Heart School holds every year. Every year, each teacher is required to come up with an original auction item. We originally were going to make a photo collage wreath of the students in her class. However, my mom had the idea of giving it a more utilitarian aspect, as well. She wanted the piece to be decorative, but also serve a purpose. My mom picked out a mirror that had a wooden frame with French curve cut outs. We arranged the photos that I had taken and editted over the course of the week on the frame. I then proceeded to spend 20+ hours cutting out every French curve. 2 Xacto knife blades and 2 sore arms later...voila! Ha ha...sounds easier than it was, but the hard work paid off-the mirror sold for $210.00! As an alumni of Sacred Heart, I was glad to contribute to the school's benefit, and it was wonderful working with my mom. Our collaboration was a success. ;)

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