Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Free Paint Samples!

"Simplification of DalĂ­'s The Christ of St.John of the Cross", canvas,spray paint, samples.
I recently created this art piece for my Design Fundamentals 2 class. The assignment was to create a replication of a "master" work, but to turn it into a value study. I used paint samples because I did this piece not long after I finished the auction item (so my hands were in the pre-carpel tunnel state...le sigh). My art teacher had mentioned doing a value study with paint samples, and I like the idea a lot (and so did my sore hands), so I went to Wal Mart and grabbed all the paint samples that consisted of values only. I honestly wished I would have spent more than one day on this project because it turned out to be more of an abstraction of the original than a it didn't meet the objectives as much as I would've like for it to. A huge positive about this piece is that this is the first canvas that I successfully spray-painted evenly (one step close to a master graffiti artist :P)I am going to do another piece soon with more paint stay tuned...and hopefully I won't get busted for taking too many free paint samples...

1 comment:

  1. Truthfully, when I saw this one posted on your facebook status, sans explanation, I thought it looked like a "crucifiction". I didn't identify it as the Dali piece, but then, it's been a LONG TIME since I saw the Dali piece, and I can absolutely see it. I'd call it a success!
