Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tattoo Design

 "Tattoo Design" Marker, acrylics
Originally, the design I made on the left was a tattoo design that I created in history class one day. However, I decided to incorporate it in one of my pieces. I wanted to create a more simple piece that played with advancing and receding space. I really enjoy doing abstract expressionism because I feel like  the essence of the piece can be captured through unique mark-making. I really enjoyed making this piece, and I hope you guys enjoy it, too. Peace.

Merging Realities

"Merging Realities", Acrylic, India ink, mat board

Hey kittens, sorry it's been a while since I've posted art work...it has been crunch time as far as the spring semester goes. This is one of my last pieces for Design II. And, guess what!? It's 2D & 3D, fun, hmm? I made a woman from simultaneous perspective with abstracted colours. I do not have any certain conceptual purpose behind this piece, but I do think that the overlapping hand came out more creepy than intended (she's going for my face!! ahh!!). Any comments? Peace out.