Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Me and Marilyn.

"Me and Marilyn". Original Photography, digital effects.
After watching the movie, My Week with Marilyn, I was inspired to create a piece dedicated to her influential role in my life. Now, this should be known: I have always been a Marilyn Monroe fan; this movie just made me realize that I should dedicate a piece to her. I first remember seeing Marilyn on a wine bottle label in house growing up. I instantly thought she was beautiful, and felt like there was something behind her beauty that was even more profound. Throughout high school, I collected pictures of Marilyn off the internet, and started reading about her life. I feel like she was an inspirational female actor, whose complexity and simplicity mix to make her very mysterious. I have read about pieces of her life, and I am currently reading a book about her. I feel like I have several connecting points with Marilyn, which explains why I was initially curious about her and interested in her life. Although Marilyn is not on this earth anymore, she is definitely still very alive.