Monday, July 9, 2012

New Logo!

Hello kittens!

Today is an exciting day! Why? Because today is the day that I post my first logo!

I had previously blogged that I would be selling my paintings in a few weeks on I wanted to create my own logo for my etsy shop, and overall, just for business purposes (because I had my first customer as a free-lance photographer this summer!). I drew mayn designs, and I liked many of them. I spend quite a long time trying to decide which drawing to use, and I thought I had hit a dead end, when...bam! This one picture that I drew stared right at me, and I knew that drawing was the one that would become my logo. 

This graphic that I have posted here includes the original drawing combined with information. The picture logo that I spent so much time deciding on was the image in the bottom right of this graphic. The logo has two eyebrows, one lifted up and lips and a mole.

This logo is close to my fascination and love for Marilyn Monroe. I talk about my connection with Marilyn Monroe in an earlier post (in which I created a self-portrait with her eyes, lips, and mole). When I first discovered Marilyn Monroe in middle school, I remember instantly being connected with her image. I never really knew why I felt this connection with the idea of Marilyn Monroe, but the early Hollywood beauty always seemed to stare beyond the internet image and see me. As if, I had known her. As I am reading a biography on her, I am finding out more why I feel connected with her as an icon, star, person, and artist. In a tribute to Marilyn Monroe, I added the mole to the logo. The lips are a cartoon version of my own, and the eye brows are based off of my own , as well (I love curving one eyebrow down and lifting one up...).

I hope you enjoy! Thoughts?

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