Monday, July 9, 2012

Soon to be selling...

Hello everyone!

I wanted to update you on when I will be selling my paintings.

Because of circumstances, I will start selling paintings throughout the year. I will also continue to post photographs of the paintings that
I plan to sell on here, first. This way, you can have a fresh sneak
peak at what I will be selling!

I have been thinking a lot about selling my artwork, and this is really something that I
have been wanting to do for a long time, now. Ever since I was young, it was my dream to be an artist, and it is so surreal that I will be able to sell my own artwork, soon! In the end, though, the art for me is not about the money.

I believe that the art process is healing for me, and I would imagine that a world without art would be very dull. Art is a beautiful, and worldly experience. I have been surprised to have run into as many people as I have that expect artists to work for free and live a humble life. Although I just stated that creating art isn't about the money, artists are still people who have families, bills, and are involved in other activities that require money. To me, an artist is someone who loves their job, and, in that, the term "artist" becomes a part of you, and not just your occupation.

I believe you should be able to live whatever life you want to live, and, in that statement, I am upholding your own ideals and occupations. It's beautiful that you can live your own life, and you can live to live, live to make money, live to die, and it's your choice, and that choice is powerful. To me, every human life is special, and if you want to work for no money as an artist, more power to you, but it shocked me that I ran into people who believed that a part of being an artist was being "poor", so to speak. All I can say is that, someone hasn't check up on history recently.

Continue being yourself. That is essential, and that is beautiful. {:

Thanks for reading my rant. What do you think?



1 comment:

  1. Love the lips & eyebrows logo...but I hadn't made the Marilyn connection until I read your rant :) Cool. And although the idea of a "starving artist" seems to be a cultural assumption, I agree with you that it shouldn't be that way.
