Wednesday, June 27, 2012

"Compassion Lost (with beginnings of Cubism)"

 "Compassion Lost (with beginnings of Cubism)", acrylics, water color, pen
(11 x 14)

This piece was created in order to express my feelings towards past relationships. 
 I made a man and a woman the subject of this painting. The man (right) is pictured
 offering a rose and crying to the woman (left). However, the woman is crossing her arms
with an angry expression on her face. I placed the image of the Golden Mean Rectangle
on top to show how this relationship cycles around and around.

This is my reason for creating this specific art piece; however, it is open to interpretation,
and, as always, you are free to take any meaning you want from it!

This piece will be on with a price in a few weeks.
Let me know if you are interested in this painting.

 *All pieces come with a clear finishing coat over the original painting for protection. They also come with the title, and artist's signature on the back.

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