Thursday, February 2, 2012

Love you, Mom

"Young Adulthood", original photograph with digital effects
Just having fun with this photograph, instead of doing other things that are productive...
I decided to title this one, "Young Adulthood" because it was inspired by a graphic in the Wall Street Journal. It was a comical picture of a teenager's brain, that I found very funny and accurate in a strange way. The article was about all of the things that occupy a teenager's mind, and the picture showed words, such as: "Angst", "Vroooom", and "Heartbreak". I decided to piece together my face in different values and colours (with different proportions) to show how this is such a transitional time in my life. It is a transitional time in many teenager's lives (and all young adults, too)-I wanted to portray the different sides of me that may develop or happen to be an influential part of who I am now. As for the background....that's ,"City-Scape Puddle Reflection" (thank you, Mom for helping me title it!).

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