Monday, March 26, 2012

Colour & Space: A New Series

Colour & Space Series original photography, graphic design
(T-B: Katie (awaiting title, ideas?), self-portrait, "The Innovator with Lana Del Rey"
Hey all you kittens! I know it's been a while since I've posted some art...but, stay assured, I have been busy creating it! The title is to-be-determined as of now because I have just started this series. However, I can tell you my inspiration that sparked this series: this series, like the pieces themselves, are a collection of several different concepts. Upon studying colour theory, my professor had the class watch scenes from Fantasia (still one of my favourite movies to this day). I was really inspired by Walt Disney's colour palette and selection-rewatching scenes from this movie reminded me what a masterpiece the movie was, and how much I have missed viewing it. This series has also been sparked due to the music I have been listening to-specifially Lana Del Rey (thank you Rashawn for introducing her to me!). I feel that her music is very layered-as my art work usually turns out to be. I am also aiming to better my skills of using space and perception in my works (studying this unit in class, now). And for now, that'll do, Pig.

1 comment:

  1. Love this series! Very evocative of the psychedelic artwork from the 60s and early 70s. The Katie pic is nice, with the little starburst forms overhead (some kind of plant form?) I like both of the self-portraits, but having seen the one with the quote overlay, I do prefer that one. As well as adding an additional layer of interest, maybe that helps it sort of gel in my mind what you were thinking about the piece... almost in the same way as you commenting on your work helps me to gain some perspective about where you're coming from. Definitely like this collection!
